Gadget of the Day

Meet Smart Sonar PRO+ by Deeper, A Powerful and Intelligent Fish Finder for Anglers of Any Level

Long gone are the days when people were fishing unassisted. Nowadays, you can make use of gadgets that rely on sonar technology for outstanding water body mapping and, therefore, increased chances of a catch. One such tool is Smart Sonar PRO+ by Deeper, an intelligent, castable fish finder that can greatly assist you when fishing. Whatever your level and experience, whether you are angling for fun or as a means of making a living, this castable fish finder is suitable for you. Smart Sonar PRO+ is versatile and constitutes a valuable addition to your fishing equipment, as it can be used for shore, boat, and ice fishing, during the morning or night hours.

Smart Sonal PRO+ can be cast out or trolled, in order to scan and create incredible underwater maps. The way it works is by emitting sonar waves in a downward action, to present you with images that show what lies beneath the surface of water, whether that is saltwater or freshwater.


Deeper Smart Sonar PRO+ has proved to be a very popular tool for fishermen around the world, from beginners to professionals. It is considered among the top castable sonar fish finders, but is also unique in its kind, for it is the only one to have a built-in GPS. It is characterized by its superior quality, extreme power, and a list of impressive features that additionally include:

* A casting range of 100m, that is actually longer than any other castable fish finder device

*  A scanning depth range between 50cm and 80m, i.e. from very shallow to deep waters

* A target separation of 2.5cm that produces very accurate readings; this is the minimum distance between two fish that is required for them to be separately distinguished

* Sonar beams that work at 55o and 15o angles, covering broad areas and offering a more detailed scanning respectively

* The dual-beam transducer scans at a frequency of up to 15 times per second; when fish are detected, Smart Sonar Pro+ gives you their exact location and relative size, maximizing your probabilities of catching them

* Generation of bathymetric maps when the fish finder is used for fishing from either a boat or from the shore

* Collecting and displaying basic information such as water temperature at the surface, water depth, or the weather forecast


Smart Sonar Pro+ uses its relevant application in order to connect to your smartphone or computer and display the data it collects on your screen. The information is projected in great detail and in a way that allows you to distinguish fish, vegetation and other underwater structures, as well as guides you to understand the hardness and consistency of the far, deep end of the water body.  Furthermore, this fish finder application is able to keep a record of the information you wish to access for future fishing adventures and explorations.

So go on, take advantage of the technology on offer and give this castable fish finder a try. What you will have in your hands is a powerful, strong and versatile, all-around angling tool that you will instantly love!