
Hurrik9 Starter Pack - Launcher and Rings

Hurrik9 Starter Pack - Launcher and Rings

PRICE: $ 39.99

Hurrik9 Starter Pack - Launcher and Rings

PRICE: $39.99
06 May 2019

Playing with your dog every day is crucial to their health, but, given the busy nature of modern society, we usually aren't able to exercise our dogs every day. With the Hurrik9 Starter Pack of Launcher and Rings, you'll be able to exercise your dog in a playful and fun fashion quickly. The Launcher launches the rings 100 feet for your dog to catch. With a few launches, your dog will have run the length of a football field, loving every minute their blood is pumping as their owner plays with them more often with the launcher and rings. Made of nontoxic, self-healing EVA foam, this fetch toy is very easy to use, and can be used indoors or outdoors, the launcher being able to be controlled easily by how far you pull it back. Bright and colorful, your dog will love their Hurrik9 Launcher and Rings!

Flies up to:100 feet
Material:EVA foam
Features:Durable, Non Toxic

