
Scribit - The World’s First Write and Erase Robot

Scribit - The World’s First Write and Erase Robot

PRICE: $ 449.00

Scribit - The World’s First Write and Erase Robot

PRICE: $449.00
25 August 2019

Bring your creative mind to life by making use of the write and erase robot which enables you to easily make the necessary modification in all your writings and drawings. The Scribit Write and Erase Robot features a quirky personality and sensors that powers the Do-It-Yourself projects in the world’s first creative robot. It is ideal for learning about robotics and develop fundamental and problem-solving skills while having fun. The Scribit can be used for projects ranging from crafting, active play, to storytelling and construction.

The write and erase robot is built for you to enjoy the joy of creativity as they bring as a way of having a fun time, making the world of engineering and technology a delightful experience for everyone.

Weight:1.1 Kg / 2.4 pounds
Markers Supported:Max diameter compatible markers: 0.6inches (15mm)
Minimum diameter compatible markers: 0.4inches (10mm)
Materials:Scribit’s body: Magnesium alloy
Wings: Stainless steel
Pulleys: Aluminium
Wire: Dyneema
Wi-Fi standard:802.11 B/G/N/E/I 2.4GHz WiFi
Power supply:Input: 100-240V-50/60Hz 1.6A
Output: 12V - 3A

