
Perfect Bake PRO Kitchen Scale by Perfect Company

Perfect Bake PRO Kitchen Scale by Perfect Company

PRICE: $ 99.99

Perfect Bake PRO Kitchen Scale by Perfect Company

PRICE: $99.99
06 April 2019

Now, you need not use a measuring cup or measuring spoon anymore, while cooking. Get the best quality of your baked goods, very easily, with the smart kitchen scale by Perfect Company. The Repfect Bake Pro can help you be creative in your kitchen without the hassle or the mess that usually comes after. Select from 500+ recipes developed and taste-tested for you. Use the Pantry feature to discover what you can make with what you have or add ingredients to your shopping list with a single tap. Perfect Bake auto scales each recipe for you telling you when to stop and helps you portion to perfection. Built-in timers tell you how long to mix, bake, and cool for consistently delicious results.

Scale Material:Stainless Steel
Precision Weight:0,1 grams
Max Weight:6 kg

